Lee because it’s all about me
Flat because I tend to sing flat (although Ahren fixes it in the studio)

Augmented because all these songs were written with friends

Music and Vocals by Lee Chapman (except as noted below) Produced, Recorded, & Mixed by Ahren Buchheister Mastered by Mike Monseur at Axis Audio

Stream the full album here

or selected songs with commentary and lyrics below:

Lee-Flat Augmented – Lee Chapman – Full Album

A Car for Real Men (2021) :
Lyrics—Ian Woollen & Lee Chapman from “RED ’68 IMPALA” by Ian Woolen

Ian and I are members of the Free Range Poets, a writing critique group. His poems are so good I’ve been reduced to writing “U R GOD” on them.

Lyrics—Ian Woollen & Lee Chapman from “RED ’68 IMPALA” by Ian Woolen
Mickey Eckman—Drums
Ahren Buchheister—Electric Guitar, Bass


Bus Ride (2021)
Lyrics—Ian Woollen & Lee Chapman
from “RANDOM MEMORY” by Ian Woolen

“Silo silhouettes” is my only noteworthy addition to Ian’s wonderful poem.

Mickey Eckman—Drums
Brent Madsen—Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Ahren Buchheister—Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Piano


Marjorie & Frank (2022) :

Lyrics—Ian Woollen & Lee Chapman
from “FATED TO MEET” by Ian Woolen

Only Ian knows exactly what Marjorie did behind the ticket booth, but I have my guess…

Nick Bertling: Drums
Ahren Buchheister—Electric Guitar, Bass


Quiet Christmas (2012) :

Lyrics—Jack King & Lee Chapman
from “Quiet Christmas” by Jack King

This is the second time I recorded this song from Jack’s wonderful poem. Through the brilliance of Ahren this recording is far superior. Listen to the sleigh bells!

Ahren Buchheister—Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Sleigh Bells
Brent Madsen—Flugelhorn


Miss You (2022) :
Lyrics—Jerry Smith & Lee Chapman from “A Bare Footprint” by Jerry Smith

Jerry, another Free Range Poet, wrote his poem in collaboration with photographer Patty Alheim.

Ahren Buchheister—Piano, Acoustic Guitar, Bass, Synth

Brent Madsen—Flugelhorn


You Don’t Want To Be My Friend (2021) :
Lyrics—Barb Brown & Lee Chapman
from “You Can Wear A Mask, But If You Are My Friend, It Won’t Do You Any Good” by Barb Brown

Barb is a fellow member of my writing critique group BLOT (she came up with the acronym: Beyond Laura Oliver’s Tutelage). Her poetry always makes me feel shallow in comparison.

Ahren Buchheister—Acoustic Guitar, Upright Bass, Piano
Mickey Eckman—Drums
Brent Madsen—Piccolo Trumpet


Not Mac (2021) :
Lyrics—Suzanne Sturgeon & Lee Chapman from “not MAC” by Suzanne Sturgeon

Suzanne, another Free Range Poet (she came up with the group’s name), wrote this fascinating little soap opera.

Ahren Buchheister—Electric Bass, Keyboard

Mickey Eckman—Drums


Penguin Walk (2012) :
Lyrics—Antonia Mathew & Lee Chapman from “Penguin Walk” by Antonia Mathew

My wonderful friend Tonia and several of our colleagues staged this piece in Bloomington, Indiana. We all wore plastic beaks and waddled. It was a challenge for me to get poets to chant in strict rhythm—doing so is against their DNA.

Ahren Buchheister—Bass, Tambourine


Iron Lung (2017) :
Lyrics—John Slidell & Lee Chapman from “Iron Lung” by John Slidell

John is a novelist and fellow member of BLOT. His novel-in-progress, informed by his service in Vietnam, is riveting.

Nick Bertling—Drums
Ahren Buchheister—Piano, Electric Bass
Brent Madsen—Trumpet


Beyond The Forest (2016) :
Lyrics—Andrew McDowell, from his novel Mystical Greenwood

It was a stretch and a true pleasure for me to set Andrew’s lyrics to music. This lovely lullaby is from Andrew’s fantasy novel Mystical Greenwood:

“Dermot is a fifteen-year-old boy in the kingdom of Denú. He has always longed for more in life.
Then everything changes after he sees a gryphon and crosses paths with a reclusive healer…”

Sahffi Lynne—Vocals


Men Of The North (2016) :
Lyrics—Andrew McDowell, from his novel Mystical Greenwood

A rousing fight song from Andrew’s novel!

Robert Green—Hurdy Gurdy
Erin Snedecor—Cello
Ahren Buchheister—Percussion, Vocals
James Von Lenz—Vocal
